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Videos + Animations
Ineactive storytelling

Interactive Storytelling

How well could you negotiate on the frontline?

Based on real stories told to me by the ICRC Frontline Negotiation team, I created a multi-strand interactive story with four different endings. I coded the html using the open source software twine and created the video content for an interactive website.  This led to a partnership with twitter and an interactive twitter thread - ICRC's most liked tweet at the time.


In 2020, it won a Webby Honoree award for best use of story on social media.

It is also used as a training experience for humanitarians.

Website version:


The twitter version:

twitter interactive.png

360° Digital / Immersive Experience:

The Ripple Effect 

I created this 360° animation and immersive projection as an advocacy piece to support the International Committee of the Red Cross' work reuniting families caught up in war zones.  We designed this immersive experience to illustrate how: when someone goes missing, the effect ripples out to partners, families, neighbours & entire communities.


As digital content, it is best viewed on a mobile phone as you follow this ripple effect by moving your device and discovering how it impacts different people.

This 360° video was originally created for a multiscreen projection for a live event to immerse the viewer in the ripple effect.

Panning the multi screen projection
Rigging the multiscreen projection

It was very complicated to time the videos to align perfectly with 3 different projectors to get a strong immersive experience.
I also needed special fabric for the projection shipped in and then, two days before the screens arrived, I broke my wrist (ow) - very grateful for the helping hand to keep the show on the road!

Fast forward four years....

and the perfect screen has arrived for a fundraising event for the International Committee of the Red Cross!
Wonderful to see the animation shoot across 320 degree screen

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All 4.png

Here you can view the social media, non 360°, version:

​Script by Jenni Smout. 
Editing + animation by Nicola Eva Fell

Currently, the International Committee of the Red Cross is searching for over 100,000 people reported missing by their families.
Every day, they help reunite 12 families separated by conflict, violence or natural disaster.


360 Immersive Experience
Radio reports

Radio Reports

Before social media was prevalent, and at a time when people couldn't get their voices heard so easily,
I reported from Mozambique, Nicaragua, Argentina, Mexico, Tanzania, Peru, Australia, U.K, Fiji, Malaysia and South Africa
for BBC, CBC, ABC and Deutsche Welle.
As a freelance journalist, I travelled alone with my mini disc recorder (remember them?!) and mic. 
I chose stories that interested me 
and took my time with people and learnt a lot which I shared in some of the reports below.

My Articles

Crazy Sickness in Nicaragua
Screenshot 2021-04-13 at 09.59.36.png


International Committee of the Red Cross
Sydney University

Broadcast journalism lecturer

 teaching radio, video and multimedia skills

to MA students.

Deutsche Welle

Freelance reporter for Deutsche Welle

Freelance newsroom producer

in Sydney & London

for Reuters.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Freelance news reporter for Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Freelance reporter + story producer for BBC Radio 4, BBC World Service & BBC World TV.

Radio Netherlands

Freelance reporter for Radio Netherlands

Content creator for the International Committee of the

Red Cross.


Freelance reporter for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation



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©2019 Nicola Eva Fell

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